Upon listening to the album in full, I found a disappointing
number of tracks had adopted the same kind of banal sluggishness of “Lying in
the Grass”, in particular “Hocus Pocus”, which may well have sampled the former’s
instrumental composition entirely, given how interchangeable they are.
“The Burglars” is a welcome shift in tempo, with Noah Lennox’s
percussion patterns adding a thrilling drive to the instrumental. “Natural Selection” is easily the highlight
of the album, drenched in the kind of oddball pop sensibility that Stephen
Merritt would be proud of, and an instantly memorable chord progression.
“Bagels in Kiev” generally steers the album in a more
ambient direction, and is all the more melodically rewarding for it. The lyrical references to Kiev and biblical allegory
leave the song sounding more like a rejected Vampire Weekend b-side however,
and in all it suffers from the same kind of dreariness as much of the rest of
the album.
The distorted synth bassline and swift drum machines make “On
Delay” an enjoyable respite from the general tedium of the surrounding songs,
and “Golden Gal” is a genuinely touching and ear worming love song.
For the most part, “Painting
With” is disappointing, at least in terms of accessibility. There are a couple of gems on here however,
and “Golden Gal”, “FloriDada” and “Natural Selection” are fantastic songs. But the general sparseness of the mostly
synthetic instrumentals results in a shallowness that hangs over the
album. I can only recommend you stream
the singles from this album.
Charlie McCartney
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